Friday, October 23, 2009


Sacrifice. Is it same as surrender? It could be in some instances. But why would most people claim it as heroic? What would push them in performing such a valiant mode, or could it be rather idiotic since there is no guaranteed exchange of prize? Who categorizes rewards? Is it even diplomatic to warrant “big risks for big rewards”?

If we put meaning in all we do, would that be entirely wrong? Who must authenticate the level of its significance? Or the question is, is it even essential?

What drives people to arrive at certain decisions? What happens if we do not have one at all, and just rely on fate? And is fate unambiguous at all? Who must have defined it?

When do we submit that what comes to us is actually our destiny? Ain’t there really no any work-around to turn things the other way? Of which product is the what-if?

Equilibrium. Gravity. Uniform distribution. Law of Physics. Is it always right to believe and subscribe? When would each be applicable, and to which condition only? Wouldn’t that be over selective? But who ever said that life is fair?

Is it always practical to consider the principle of the carrot and stick? What about karma, or conscience? Aren’t these two supposed to be the ultimate guiding factors for supreme dispositions?

It is a fact that being alone is not synchronous to being lonely. Agreeably, lonely is a sad word. There is not even another better word to put it other than that. Lonely, sad, desperate, suicide. That’s just chronologically heartbreaking, or could it get any worse?

Comparatively then… when people are alone, either they are sad, or just being themselves, or with themselves, or by themselves. Case closed.

[Well, it is moot that I prefer the latter. Maybe it is in solidarity where I am, but I can tell that I’m not lonely at all. Actually, I’m even inspired! What? Why would anyone even have to question that?]

But hey, isn’t it a fact that the idle mind usually generates the greatest of thoughts, innovations, inventions, or even new life? Or on the other hand, unending thread of questions which would rather complicate rationalities right upon the attempt to dissect and decipher for exact reasons.

Thus the tons of questions; which people do not usually engage to when they are into something more relevant or significant situation in response to human’s continued existence, but are inevitable for those who are mistreated of unfortunate circumstances.

If not to further complicate matters:

You reap what you sow. Do unto others what you want others do unto you. Do not do unto others what you do not want others do unto you. They may sound familiar and mean the same to some novice, but not to further scrutinizing individuals. Let’s put some mortal and statistical dynamics unto each, and check which one is realistic, and which one is virtual.

You reap what you sow. Okay, yes, maybe. But hope has no guarantees. Ever heard of false hopes?

Do unto others what you want others do unto you. If I religiously pay my dues, would I be compensated back my rights in due time? Ever heard of corruption?

Do not do unto others what you do not want others do unto you. Is not doing bad, the same as doing good? So if I do nothing, have I actually done outstanding?

Why does everything seem to be complicated rather than just to be simple? What makes anything to be harder than how they appear to be? Hovering questions, doubts, uncertainties, worries, fears, retributions, yada-yada-yada…

But watching the sun go down at the end of the day, there is one thing sure that is undeniable. It all boils down to choices made, wisdom, responsibility, and attitude.

Putting all in just one word; serenity it is…

God grant me the serenity

To accept the things I cannot change;

Courage to change the things I can;

And wisdom to know the difference.

Tranquilly being positive, that is my ultimate prayer that each soul shall be. And compellingly without an iota of reservation, it shall only be the time when the illusive “world peace” (whatever that means, though it sounds good… I think) can walk the talk.

Difficulties usually arise every time premium is particular to the consequence, rather than the objective. When greater attention is provided on the collateral damage rather than the magnitude of the goal, adversities is born. The trade of life shall never be square or flat, no matter what. Like animosities, the curbs on each path shall just be there waiting for us to hit on, or bump to, and toss up some of our dearest stuffs along the process. We just can not keep them all. And there is just no turning back against the tick-tock…

Live life. Love. There’s just no better way.

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